Metro Metro Area Baseball League Mission Statement
The Metro Area Baseball League (MABL) is a competitive baseball league created for high school aged players who are not participating on High School or Legion baseball teams, but have a desire to continue to play great baseball. All players from all baseball backgrounds are welcome. MABL offers a less rigid schedule and much more flexibility than historical Legion programs. At a cost of nearly 1/3 less of other leagues.
Member associations who make up the Metro Area Baseball League are: Blair, Boystown, Cedar Bluffs, Elkhorn, Gretna, Hillside, Keystone, Millard, Omaha Suburban, Papillion, Ralston and Westgate.
Metro Area Baseball League
Rules : Revised 9/26/2024
Section 1 Teams: League is open to all teams meeting age specific rules, MABL guidelines and association/organization admittance. Individual teams must be admitted by Board of Directors approval. The Metro Area Baseball League is established to create a safe and competitive environment for players not currently on high school, American legion or other outside organization rosters.
Section 2 Player Eligibility: Players must provide proof of age. Players must have drivers license or school ID available if questioned. Associations will provide insurance and medical releases for each team. NO player on an active High School roster, American Legion roster or other outside team or organization. For 2025 season :JV division is open to only players born on or after Jan. 1 2009. Varsity division is open to players on or after Jan. 1 2006. Any exceptions MUST meet board approval. (If a player is given an exemption the player is not permitted to play any infield position including pitcher and catcher. Any Coach violating the player rule will forfeit games played with the illegal player and will not be permitted to participate in the MABL state tournament. The Coach will be suspended for 14 calendar days. The team will be placed on probation. Any more violations the team and or association may be banned from MABL.
Section 3 Entry Fees: Each team will pay $600 to the Metro Area Baseball League treasurer before participating in league games. Entry fee must be paid at Scheduling Meeting prior to scheduling games.
. Section 4 Equipment: Each team is required to provide regulation equipment for each game. Proper and regulation equipment will be the responsibility of the member association. Face masks or face guard flaps are REQUIRED on all batting helmets for both JV and Varsity Divisions. Penalty for a batter stepping into the batter’s box with a illegal helmet will be called out. Second offense the Coach will be ejected and suspended for 14 calendar days. Any Base Coach under the age of 19 MUST wear a regulation batting helmet.
4A Bats:
4B Catcher Equipment: Cathers must wear proper regulation catchers gear including protective cup.
Section 5 Rosters: Player full name and jersey numbers MUST be on the website prior to the team’s first league game. Any team not having roster on the website will forfeit all games until the roster is recorded on the website. No players can be added to a team’s roster after midnight June 1s’ The MABL Commissioner must be notified of any new players added to the roster prior to the June 1st Roster Lock date. Any team violating these roster rules will forfeit games until the roster is deemed legal.
Any team using an illegal player during the State Tournament will forfeit the remainder of the tournament.
5:A At the Junior Varsity division teammates can play “up” for a regular season game, ONLY if the Varsity division needs a 7, 8, or 9th player. The player(s) must play outfield and bat at the end of the lineup. Teams can use borrowed players during tournament time, but only to get to 8 players. This still MUST be approved by the MABL commissioner. An out is not issued for teams dropping under the 9 player lineup unless the 9th player is ejected or suspended or benched for discipline reasons. Players arriving late will be added to the bottom of the lineup without penalty.
Section 6 Released players: Any player released, cut or quits must be released by the head coach in writing. Email the MABL commissioner. No player who quits will be permitted to play in the MABL state tournament unless reinstated prior to the June 1st roster lock date and meeting Commissioner approval.
6:A Transferring: Any player transferring to another MABL team must do so in writing (email) to the MABL commissioner. Players transferring to another MABL team must be released by the original head coach. Without release the player will be deemed illegal.
Section 7 Games: All teams will provide a safe and regulation home field or make arrangements with other member associations for field slots. All teams will play 7 innings unless games end due to run rules, time limit or weather issues. League run rules:
15 runs after 3 innings (unless the losing team has not batted thru their lineup. They will continue batting until having done so. This rule is not in effect during the MABL State Tournament.
12 runs after 4 innings
8 runs after 5 innings
7:A Time limit is 1hr 50 minutes. NO NEW INNING can start after1 hour 50 minutes. Each team will play a minimum home and home schedule for their Junior Varsity or Varsity division. Coaches MUST provide 24 hour notice of game cancellation to prevent a forfeit. Any MABL game called to due weather is considered complete after 3 ½ innings with the home team winning and 4 innings with the visiting team winning.
7:B Teams having a no-show no call will pay for the umpire fees. Any team with multiple no show issues will not be permitted to participate in the MABL state tournament. Rain out or canceled games MUST be rescheduled in a timely manner. Any team having issues getting a team to respond to rescheduling efforts need to contact the MABL commissioner. If after numerous recorded attempts to reschedule canceled games the MABL Commissioner may award forfeits. Games can start with 8 players without out penalties. Any team with 7 players or less will forfeit.
Section 8 Tie-Breaker: Regular season games can end in a tie. Extra innings can be played during the regular season IF time remains in the 1hr 50minute game time. Tournament games having a tie after regulation will start the extra innings with the last batter completing an at bat from the previous inning on second base. The inning will start with 1 out and no count on the batter.
Section 9 Sliding: Players are not required to slide at any base or home plate. BUT ALL PLAYERS MUST AVOID CONTACT. Any player caught making avoidable contact WILL BE EJECTED from the game.
9:B Contact rule: Slide or avoid contact. Malicious contact by an offensive or defensive player will be grounds for a player ejection from the game for the unsportsmanlike conduct. A runner does not have to slide but the runner must avoid malicious contact with a defender at or close to a base. A runner may be ejected from the a game if in the umpire's judgment the runner could have avoided malicious contact. A runner may also be ejected if contact is excessive. A runner may also be ejected if he made an attempt to run over or injure the defensive player. Defensive blocking of a base and excessive force tagging the runner may be viewed as unsportsmanlike contact by the umpire and may also carry a penalty of warning or ejection, If a player is ejected for violating the contact rule, said player is also suspended for the next game. A repeat offender may be suspended from the league for the entire season.
9:C NO FAKE TAGS. Fake tags will be considered obstructions. Umpires will rule accordingly.
Section 10 Scores: The scores for all League games including pitching stats must be recorded on the MABL website within 24 hours of the game's completion. Any game not reported within the 24 hours period will be a forfeit. All coaches must present a score card with first and last names for players, jersey numbers and positions of starting players. These score cards must be presented to the opposing head coach prior to the beginning of the game.
Section 11 Protests: Any team with a protest must notify the opposing coach and Home Plate Umpire prior to the conclusion of the contest. There is a $50 fee that must be paid to MABL. The MABL Discipline Committee will render a verdict with in 24 hours of accepting the fees. All verdicts are final.
Section 12 Uniforms: All league teams must be in uniform when playing a league game or league sponsored event. Uniforms will consist of a matching shirt with individual numbers on front and/or back. Baseball hats and baseball approved pants. Shirts and hats all must be the same color and style. Any exceptions must be board approved.
Section 13 Pitching:
Pitches Required Rest Pitches Required Rest
91-110 4 Days 110 Pitches is MAX for Varsity pitchers per day.
71-90 3 Days
51-70 2 Days
31-50 1 Day
Season Start – State Tournament
Pitches Required Rest
91-100 4 Days rest 100 pitch maximum for JV Pitchers per day
71-90 3 Days
51-70 2 Days
31-50 1 Days
*Note – the required rest days are full calendar days.
13:C The MABL pitch count rule is based on the number of pitches thrown in a day. The pitch count is based on pitches thrown for strikes, balls and foul
13:D No Junior Varsity pitcher may throw more than 100 pitches per game. A pitcher will be allowed to finish a batter if they hit the maximum limit (100 JV /110 Varsity) during an at-bat, but must exit the position after the hitter.
13:E No pitcher may throw more than two consecutive days. Use the two day total to determine how many days rest is needed following day two. The two day total should not exceed the cap of 110 pitches.
13:F Doubleheaders: If a player pitches in more than one game in a day, the pitch count for the day should be the two-game total and this number will be used to figure the days’ rest. No pitcher shall pitch over the daily max.
Section 14 Player participation: Teams have the option to use any one of 4 options.
14:A Option 1: Bat entire roster.
14:B Option 2: Bat only 9 (nine starters on the field)
14:C Option 3: Bat 10 batters including an EH (Extra Hitter) EH can change every inning if desired.
14:D Option 4: Bat 9 using a DH (Designated Hitter) DH can bat for any position players on the field.
14:E OPPOSING coach MUST be notified prior to the game which option each team is using for the game.
14:F Courtesy runners can be used for Pitchers and Catchers. This can be any bench players not in the lineup. (This does not burn a sub) Teams batting entire roster can use the last batted out as courtesy runner.
14:G Pitching must be reported to the MABL website within 48 hours of the end of the game.
Any team not recording score and pitching within 48 hours will forfeit the game.
Section 15 Re-entry rule: All players can re-enter a game as long as it is the same position in the batting order. Pitchers can not re-enter into the pitching position. Sub players can not re-enter unless for injury when a team drops below 9 players.
Section 16 Injury rule: If any injury puts a team below 9 player level, the team may use a sub player to fill the hole in the lineup. Teams below the 9 player level without subs can continue to play without penalty including no out taken in the lineup.
Section17 Conduct and sportsmanship: Each member association is responsible for their own coaches, players and fans. Any team having multiple conduct violations will be placed on probation or removed from the league. ALL coaches and players MUST read and sign the MABL Code of Conduct. All coaches must carry the signed Code of Conduct with them.
Metro Area Baseball League Code of Conduct
No Player shall
Any violation of the Code of Conduct will be reviewed by the Metro Area Baseball League Commissioner. Punishments for violations can start with game suspensions or removal from the Metro Area Baseball League
Section18 Conduct and sportsmanship: Each member association is responsible for their own coaches, players and fans. Any team having multiple conduct violations will be placed on probation or removed from the league. ALL coaches and players MUST read and sign the MABL Code of Conduct. All coaches must carry the signed Code of Conduct with them.
18:A Player conduct: Players will act appropriately representing their team, association and MABL. This will include the use of profanity in the field or dugout. The results may be suspensions or ejections from the league. CELL PHONES will not be permitted on the field during games. Unless for injury calls to 911. No Profanity from coaches or players will be allowed. Suspensions will be awarded to those using profanity. Adhere to the Code of Conduct rules.
Section 19 Tournaments: All eligible teams can participate in the MABL state tournament. No teams with outstanding fees or unpaid umpire fees will be allowed to participate in the MABL state tournament until fees are paid. Fees must be paid prior to the tournament seeding meetings. Teams with 2 or more forfeits will not be allowed to participate in the MABL State tournament. Any team who forfeits during any round or pool play in the state tournament is out of the tournament. There will be no time limit for the Championship final games. But run rules are still in effect. No shows during pool play will count as a forfeit.
19:A Tournament seeding: If a team plays all required games, less two, their winning % only will be used for seeding. (For example, if there are 11 teams you would have to play the otaher 10 teams 2X each. This would require 20 games. If you play 20, 19 or 18 the winning % would apply.
20 Penalties: If a player is ejected from a game. The Coach of the team must report the incident to the MABL Commissioner with in 24 hours of incident. Penalty for a player ejection. The ejected player must attend his team’s next scheduled game. The player must report to the opposing Coach and Home Plate Umpire. The ejected player can’t be in uniform and must leave the area after reporting to the Umpire and opposing coach. If the coach of the ejected player does not report the incident within 24 hours the Coach will be suspended for 14 calendar days. Any team proven to use illegal players will forfeit those games and the coach will be suspended for 14 calendar days. The team will not be permitted to participate in the MABL state tournament. Any team using an illegal player during the State Tournament will forfeit the remainder of the tournament. The Commissioner has the option of prohibiting a team or association from participating in the MABL state tournament for any rule violations. Any team using an illegal bat will have the bat removed from the game. The player and Coach will be ejected. The player and coach will be suspended for 1 game.
21 Events: If possible, Home Run Derby and All Star Games will be played on the same evening and same location.
Area Baseball League Mission Statement
The Metro Area Baseball League (MABL) is a competitive baseball league created for high school aged players who are not participating on High School or Legion baseball teams, but have a desire to continue to play great baseball. All players from all baseball backgrounds are welcome. MABL offers a less rigid schedule and much more flexibility than historical Legion programs.
Member associations who make up the Metro Area Baseball League are: Blair, Boystown, Cedar Bluffs, Elkhorn, Gretna, Hillside, Keystone, Millard, Omaha Suburban, Papillion, Ralston and Westgate.
Metro Area Baseball League
Rules : Revised 9/26/2024
Section 1 Teams: League is open to all teams meeting age specific rules, MABL guidelines and association/organization admittance. Individual teams must be admitted by Board of Directors approval. The Metro Area Baseball League is established to create a safe and competitive environment for players not currently on high school, American legion or other outside organization rosters.
Section 2 Player Eligibility: Players must provide proof of age. Players must have drivers license or school ID available if questioned. Associations will provide insurance and medical releases for each team. NO player on an active High School roster, American Legion roster or other outside team or organization. For 2025 season :JV division is open to only players born on or after Jan. 1 2009. Varsity division is open to players on or after Jan. 1 2006. Any exceptions MUST meet board approval. (If a player is given an exemption the player is not permitted to play any infield position including pitcher and catcher. Any Coach violating the player rule will forfeit games played with the illegal player and will not be permitted to participate in the MABL state tournament. The Coach will be suspended for 14 calendar days. The team will be placed on probation. Any more violations the team and or association may be banned from MABL.
Section 3 Entry Fees: Each team will pay $600 to the Metro Area Baseball League treasurer before participating in league games. Entry fee must be paid at Scheduling Meeting prior to scheduling games.
. Section 4 Equipment: Each team is required to provide regulation equipment for each game. Proper and regulation equipment will be the responsibility of the member association. Face masks or face guard flaps are REQUIRED on all batting helmets for both JV and Varsity Divisions. Penalty for a batter stepping into the batter’s box with a illegal helmet will be called out. Second offense the Coach will be ejected and suspended for 14 calendar days. Any Base Coach under the age of 19 MUST wear a regulation batting helmet.
4A Bats:
4B Catcher Equipment: Cathers must wear proper regulation catchers gear including protective cup.
Section 5 Rosters: Player full name and jersey numbers MUST be on the website prior to the team’s first league game. Any team not having roster on the website will forfeit all games until the roster is recorded on the website. No players can be added to a team’s roster after midnight June 1s’ The MABL Commissioner must be notified of any new players added to the roster prior to the June 1st Roster Lock date. Any team violating these roster rules will forfeit games until the roster is deemed legal.
Any team using an illegal player during the State Tournament will forfeit the remainder of the tournament.
5:A At the Junior Varsity division teammates can play “up” for a regular season game, ONLY if the Varsity division needs a 7, 8, or 9th player. The player(s) must play outfield and bat at the end of the lineup. Teams can use borrowed players during tournament time, but only to get to 8 players. This still MUST be approved by the MABL commissioner. An out is not issued for teams dropping under the 9 player lineup unless the 9th player is ejected or suspended or benched for discipline reasons. Players arriving late will be added to the bottom of the lineup without penalty.
Section 6 Released players: Any player released, cut or quits must be released by the head coach in writing. Email the MABL commissioner. No player who quits will be permitted to play in the MABL state tournament unless reinstated prior to the June 1st roster lock date and meeting Commissioner approval.
6:A Transferring: Any player transferring to another MABL team must do so in writing (email) to the MABL commissioner. Players transferring to another MABL team must be released by the original head coach. Without release the player will be deemed illegal.
Section 7 Games: All teams will provide a safe and regulation home field or make arrangements with other member associations for field slots. All teams will play 7 innings unless games end due to run rules, time limit or weather issues. League run rules:
15 runs after 3 innings (unless the losing team has not batted thru their lineup. They will continue batting until having done so. This rule is not in effect during the MABL State Tournament.
12 runs after 4 innings
8 runs after 5 innings
7:A Time limit is 1hr 50 minutes. NO NEW INNING can start after1 hour 50 minutes. Each team will play a minimum home and home schedule for their Junior Varsity or Varsity division. Coaches MUST provide 24 hour notice of game cancellation to prevent a forfeit. Any MABL game called to due weather is considered complete after 3 ½ innings with the home team winning and 4 innings with the visiting team winning.
7:B Teams having a no-show no call will pay for the umpire fees. Any team with multiple no show issues will not be permitted to participate in the MABL state tournament. Rain out or canceled games MUST be rescheduled in a timely manner. Any team having issues getting a team to respond to rescheduling efforts need to contact the MABL commissioner. If after numerous recorded attempts to reschedule canceled games the MABL Commissioner may award forfeits. Games can start with 8 players without out penalties. Any team with 7 players or less will forfeit.
Section 8 Tie-Breaker: Regular season games can end in a tie. Extra innings can be played during the regular season IF time remains in the 1hr 50minute game time. Tournament games having a tie after regulation will start the extra innings with the last batter completing an at bat from the previous inning on second base. The inning will start with 1 out and no count on the batter.
Section 9 Sliding: Players are not required to slide at any base or home plate. BUT ALL PLAYERS MUST AVOID CONTACT. Any player caught making avoidable contact WILL BE EJECTED from the game.
9:B Contact rule: Slide or avoid contact. Malicious contact by an offensive or defensive player will be grounds for a player ejection from the game for the unsportsmanlike conduct. A runner does not have to slide but the runner must avoid malicious contact with a defender at or close to a base. A runner may be ejected from the a game if in the umpire's judgment the runner could have avoided malicious contact. A runner may also be ejected if contact is excessive. A runner may also be ejected if he made an attempt to run over or injure the defensive player. Defensive blocking of a base and excessive force tagging the runner may be viewed as unsportsmanlike contact by the umpire and may also carry a penalty of warning or ejection, If a player is ejected for violating the contact rule, said player is also suspended for the next game. A repeat offender may be suspended from the league for the entire season.
9:C NO FAKE TAGS. Fake tags will be considered obstructions. Umpires will rule accordingly.
Section 10 Scores: The scores for all League games including pitching stats must be recorded on the MABL website within 24 hours of the game's completion. Any game not reported within the 24 hours period will be a forfeit. All coaches must present a score card with first and last names for players, jersey numbers and positions of starting players. These score cards must be presented to the opposing head coach prior to the beginning of the game.
Section 11 Protests: Any team with a protest must notify the opposing coach and Home Plate Umpire prior to the conclusion of the contest. There is a $50 fee that must be paid to MABL. The MABL Discipline Committee will render a verdict with in 24 hours of accepting the fees. All verdicts are final.
Section 12 Uniforms: All league teams must be in uniform when playing a league game or league sponsored event. Uniforms will consist of a matching shirt with individual numbers on front and/or back. Baseball hats and baseball approved pants. Shirts and hats all must be the same color and style. Any exceptions must be board approved.
Section 13 Pitching:
Pitches Required Rest Pitches Required Rest
91-110 4 Days 110 Pitches is MAX for Varsity pitchers per day.
71-90 3 Days
51-70 2 Days
31-50 1 Day
Season Start – State Tournament
Pitches Required Rest
91-100 4 Days rest 100 pitch maximum for JV Pitchers per day
71-90 3 Days
51-70 2 Days
31-50 1 Days
*Note – the required rest days are full calendar days.
13:C The MABL pitch count rule is based on the number of pitches thrown in a day. The pitch count is based on pitches thrown for strikes, balls and foul
13:D No Junior Varsity pitcher may throw more than 100 pitches per game. A pitcher will be allowed to finish a batter if they hit the maximum limit (100 JV /110 Varsity) during an at-bat, but must exit the position after the hitter.
13:E No pitcher may throw more than two consecutive days. Use the two day total to determine how many days rest is needed following day two. The two day total should not exceed the cap of 110 pitches.
13:F Doubleheaders: If a player pitches in more than one game in a day, the pitch count for the day should be the two-game total and this number will be used to figure the days’ rest. No pitcher shall pitch over the daily max.
Section 14 Player participation: Teams have the option to use any one of 4 options.
14:A Option 1: Bat entire roster.
14:B Option 2: Bat only 9 (nine starters on the field)
14:C Option 3: Bat 10 batters including an EH (Extra Hitter) EH can change every inning if desired.
14:D Option 4: Bat 9 using a DH (Designated Hitter) DH can bat for any position players on the field.
14:E OPPOSING coach MUST be notified prior to the game which option each team is using for the game.
14:F Courtesy runners can be used for Pitchers and Catchers. This can be any bench players not in the lineup. (This does not burn a sub) Teams batting entire roster can use the last batted out as courtesy runner.
14:G Pitching must be reported to the MABL website within 48 hours of the end of the game.
Any team not recording score and pitching within 48 hours will forfeit the game.
Section 15 Re-entry rule: All players can re-enter a game as long as it is the same position in the batting order. Pitchers can not re-enter into the pitching position. Sub players can not re-enter unless for injury when a team drops below 9 players.
Section 16 Injury rule: If any injury puts a team below 9 player level, the team may use a sub player to fill the hole in the lineup. Teams below the 9 player level without subs can continue to play without penalty including no out taken in the lineup.
Section17 Conduct and sportsmanship: Each member association is responsible for their own coaches, players and fans. Any team having multiple conduct violations will be placed on probation or removed from the league. ALL coaches and players MUST read and sign the MABL Code of Conduct. All coaches must carry the signed Code of Conduct with them.
Metro Area Baseball League Code of Conduct
No Player shall
Any violation of the Code of Conduct will be reviewed by the Metro Area Baseball League Commissioner. Punishments for violations can start with game suspensions or removal from the Metro Area Baseball League
Section18 Conduct and sportsmanship: Each member association is responsible for their own coaches, players and fans. Any team having multiple conduct violations will be placed on probation or removed from the league. ALL coaches and players MUST read and sign the MABL Code of Conduct. All coaches must carry the signed Code of Conduct with them.
18:A Player conduct: Players will act appropriately representing their team, association and MABL. This will include the use of profanity in the field or dugout. The results may be suspensions or ejections from the league. CELL PHONES will not be permitted on the field during games. Unless for injury calls to 911. No Profanity from coaches or players will be allowed. Suspensions will be awarded to those using profanity. Adhere to the Code of Conduct rules.
Section 19 Tournaments: All eligible teams can participate in the MABL state tournament. No teams with outstanding fees or unpaid umpire fees will be allowed to participate in the MABL state tournament until fees are paid. Fees must be paid prior to the tournament seeding meetings. Teams with 2 or more forfeits will not be allowed to participate in the MABL State tournament. Any team who forfeits during any round or pool play in the state tournament is out of the tournament. There will be no time limit for the Championship final games. But run rules are still in effect. No shows during pool play will count as a forfeit.
19:A Tournament seeding: If a team plays all required games, less two, their winning % only will be used for seeding. (For example, if there are 11 teams you would have to play the otaher 10 teams 2X each. This would require 20 games. If you play 20, 19 or 18 the winning % would apply.
20 Penalties: If a player is ejected from a game. The Coach of the team must report the incident to the MABL Commissioner with in 24 hours of incident. Penalty for a player ejection. The ejected player must attend his team’s next scheduled game. The player must report to the opposing Coach and Home Plate Umpire. The ejected player can’t be in uniform and must leave the area after reporting to the Umpire and opposing coach. If the coach of the ejected player does not report the incident within 24 hours the Coach will be suspended for 14 calendar days. Any team proven to use illegal players will forfeit those games and the coach will be suspended for 14 calendar days. The team will not be permitted to participate in the MABL state tournament. Any team using an illegal player during the State Tournament will forfeit the remainder of the tournament. The Commissioner has the option of prohibiting a team or association from participating in the MABL state tournament for any rule violations. Any team using an illegal bat will have the bat removed from the game. The player and Coach will be ejected. The player and coach will be suspended for 1 game.
21 Events: If possible, Home Run Derby and All Star Games will be played on the same evening and same location.